Dr. Karin Gaesing

Dr. rer. pol. Karin Gaesing, geographer and spatial planner, is a researcher at INEF, University of Duisburg-Essen. She has many years of experience in development cooperation, including for GTZ in Ethiopia and Côte d'Ivoire, and as a freelance consultant in Africa and India. She is an expert in regional planning, gender, participation and land use planning.

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All contributions by Dr. Karin Gaesing

Land Rights, Gender and Soil Fertility in Benin

Land Rights, Gender and Soil Fertility in Benin

A contribution by Dr. Karin Gaesing and Prof. Dr. Frank Bliss (INEF)

Especially in densely populated areas, land pressure leads to overexploitation of available land and a lack of conservation measures. The West African country of Benin, with heavily depleted soils in many places, is no exception.

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